Sets the sizes to be equally spaced by a factor of 1.189, rounded to the nearest integer. Use this if you have outline fonts and you can use any size. Otherwise, choose font sizes that you have installed. This shows which keystrokes will insert this macro, in addition to whether it can be found on the palette. Draws the Button Icon for you, from the definition. Erases the icon to all white. To modify the expression for this macro, click here, and Expressionist will allow you to edit it in an expression window. The list of font commands that are currently defined. ‘Default Font’ will remove all font embellishments. Makes the font command only be effective for the next keystroke. After that, the font will revert to the default, or what it was before. When this font command’s button is displayed on the palette, a character will be drawn in that font. What character best represents this font? There are 16 available font commands. This button finds an empty one and lets you set it to whatever you want. Sets this font to no family, same size, and same style options, so that it is ineffective. Brings up a dialog that changes the font family, point size and style options.